PBIO Core Facility Our Core Facility laboratory is located in room 3602. This facility is meant to serve as backup for all departmental labs. A scintillation counter, two -80 freezers, a thermo-cycler and a fume hood are available for emergency use. PIs have access to the outlook calendar “Core Facility.” Be sure to label everything you temporarily store in the -80 freezers with PI name and contents. Autoclave and Dishwashing Facility Our Autoclave Facility is located in room 4602 and contains a dishwasher, 2 autoclaves, deionized water tanks that service the PBIO 3rd and 4th floor labs, and an ice machine (not for human consumption). Computers The Plant Biology Department maintains over 200 networked Windows-based, unix-based, and Apple computers and servers. In addition to department-level services such as email and web servers, each lab within the department often uses specialized desktops, servers, and other equipment to perform tasks specific to that individual lab. We also maintain a general computer lab for use by graduate students and faculty. Plant Biology takes pride in pushing the limits of technology to ensure the highest level of teaching, learning, and research for our faculty and students.