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Undergraduate Research & Experiental Learning

On-Campus Research Opportunities

Independent research is a key component in Plant Biology and we offer PBIO 4960R, 4970R, 4980R, and 4990R for 4 credits. In these courses, students are trained in basic lab or field techniques used in molecular biology and/or ecology and are taught to apply these techniques to answer a research question, using the scientific method. By guiding students through making observations, asking questions, and solving problems, we teach students to think critically and practice their problem solving skills. 

PBIO 4960R, 4970R, etc. fulfill the Experiential Learning (EL) requirement for majors in Franklin College of Arts & Sciences.

During this experience students typically become part of a dynamic work environment and gain experience in a research laboratory. Students write up their findings as a research paper at the end of each semester, and are encouraged to showcase their research during the annual departmental poster session and/or the annual UGA Undergraduate Research Symposium (CURO)

To identify a potential faculty mentor for research please explore the Faculty Research areas.

After identifying a faculty mentor, please work with your mentor to fill out the undergraduate research form and cover page (see menu). 

In addition to providing ample research opportunities in the Department, we offer research support awards to Plant Biology majors and minors:

Examples of Funded Undergraduate Projects

  • Rosemary Wills (2020) - Bensasson lab
    •  "Sequence analysis of wild yeast for use in craft beer"
  • Nicole Reisinger (2019) - Donovan lab
    • "Salt stress in Sunflower"
  • Hannah Schrader (2018) -
    • "Plant Diversity and Roles in Cretaceous Ecosystems"
  • Grace Zheng (2018) - Chang lab  
    • "Effect of soil nutrient and pollen grain size of common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea"


Off-Campus Research Opportunities 

We are open to supporting our students who identify off-campus research opportunities. If this applies to you, please discuss this with the undergraduate coordinator, and we will see how we can assist you. 

Support us

We appreciate your financial support. Your gift is important to us and helps support critical opportunities for students and faculty alike, including lectures, travel support, and any number of educational events that augment the classroom experience. Click here to learn more about giving.

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Every dollar given has a direct impact upon our students and faculty.