Calendars & Reservations
Conference rooms, vehicles, core facilities, and laptops can be reserved by calling or emailing one of the office staff. Everyone else can view availability by adding the calendars to their mail/calendar client of choice. The calendars use the iCal format and are easily tied into Outlook, Thunderbird, Sunbird, and Apple Calendar program. Any of the IT team members should be able to assist you in adding it to your computer at any time.
Department Seminars
Departmental seminars normally occur every Monday at 4:00PM in room 2401 Miller Plant Sciences Building. Speakers for these seminars can be visiting scientists, faculty members, postdoctoral students, Adjunct or Courtesy Faculty and our Ph.D. candidates completing their degrees.
Seminars afford each of us an opportunity to keep up with diverse areas of Plant Biology and the coffee period before seminars provides the opportunity to talk with departmental colleagues outside your immediate circle. All graduate students and faculty are expected to attend these seminars for their own professional development and as a courtesy to the speakers. Students must enroll for PBIO 8830 every semester unless you are approved by your major professor to be absent for field work. Students are required to attend 2/3 of the seminars to pass the course.
A graduate student lunch is scheduled for every outside seminar speaker.
Departmental Visitors
The Department will reimburse dinner meals with official Departmental visitors up to $160, for a maximum of 4 persons including the guest. This includes any gratuity. The Department will reimburse lunch or breakfast meals up to $20 per person for a maximum of 4 persons, including gratuity. Reimbursement for alcohol is not allowed. You must provide a detailed, original receipt in order to be reimbursed, do not submit a credit card receipt only. Contact our Franklin Works Business Services team at if you have any questions about submitting expense reports.
Departmental Vehicles
The Plant Biology Department maintains five vehicles: three station wagons and two Ford Explorer SUV (with 4WD). These vehicles are available for use by the Department subject to the following regulations:
1. To use a vehicle, you must make a request to Reagan Scott (or Lisa Moncrief or Chelsea Hargroves if Reagan is away). Reagan will keep the vehicle keys and will maintain a vehicle log. See below for their contact information.
2. You are responsible for the vehicle during the time you are using it. Specifically:
- All trash must be removed from the vehicle, and the vehicle must be swept out if dirt has been tracked in. If a vehicle is dirty when you go to use it, notify Regan so that the responsibility can be assigned to the previous user.
- Do not return a vehicle with the gas tank below ½. If the vehicle is below ½ you must take it to the motor pool (near the Plant Biology Greenhouses) and fill it with fuel. You will need the fuel card (located in the glove compartment) and your UGA ID to get gas. Check the oil or have it checked each time you add gas.
- If you notice that something is wrong with the vehicle, please tell Reagan when you return. You need to report anything that is not working, any suspicious noises, any accidents, etc. The Department will maintain the vehicles, but we need to know of problems in a timely fashion so that we can have them fixed.
- You must return the keys to Reagan immediately after using the vehicle. e. NO SMOKING IN UGA VEHICLES. If you do not use the vehicles responsibly, you may be denied further use.
3. You may request a specific vehicle, but Reagan will decide which is the most appropriate vehicle for your use. In general, we will try to reserve the newer vehicles for “clean” trips, such as picking up someone at the airport or traveling to a meeting.
Equipment - Off-Campus
To take a piece of UGA equipment off campus, you must request an off-campus-use-of-equipment authorization. Log into RUSS with your MyID and password and select “Off-Campus Equipment Request”. Click the “Add line” button and enter the Property Control number from your piece of equipment where it says “Inventory Number”. Please complete the rest of the form and submit it to Jessica Hudgins for approval or further review. Please remember any UGA Property (especially laptops) CANNOT be removed from campus until it has been tagged with an Inventory Control number decal from Property Control and the off-campus-use authorization is in place.
Equipment Repairs
Approval must be obtained through the Procurement office before any repairs are actually performed. Do not attempt to get repairs done without first checking with
Equipment Surplus
Broken, unnecessary, and outdated equipment can be surplussed once a “Surplus Equipment Transfer List” form is completed. The form can be found at the administrative forms website Submit the completed form to Lisa Moncrief who will organize a pick-up.
Equipment Transfers
When transferring equipment to another department, a “Notice of change in Departmental Equipment” form must be completed. When a PI transfers to another institution and wishes to take equipment associated with an ongoing sponsored project to the new institution a “Request for Transfer of Equipment” form must be completed. Upon completion, the form must be turned in to Whitney Holladay. Both forms are on the administrative forms website:
Guest Parking Visitor
Parking codes can be obtained by completing a Department Guest Pass Order Form (link): Choose “Permits”. Scroll down to “Departmental” and find the order form. The form can be faxed to Parking Services at 2-6301. Parking Services will email the “code” and instructions for using the code at the Carlton Street parking deck.
The Department purchases a limited number of passes to be distributed to visitors who benefit the Department (i.e. seminar speakers). See Lisa Moncrief for this code.
Keys/Building Access
Contact Reagan Scott or Lisa Moncrief for keys. Professors need to email Reagan or Lisa with the name of the person who is receiving a key, specifying key access (rooms) and whether they need after-hours and weekend building access. If Reagan is not available, please see Lisa Moncrief or Chelsea Hargroves for keys. Please return the keys when you leave the Department.
UGA has an excellent Science Library in the Boyd Graduate Research Center. New journals are placed on the tables daily. New books are placed on separate shelves before they are put in the stacks. The librarians will show you where these two areas are located. If you go to the libraries and are unable to find journals or books that you need in your work, or you see advertisements for new books you feel would be useful, please bring them to the attention of the department head and she will have them ordered by the library. The UGA Science library has created a Plant Biology specific library page for us, found at The page has pertinent information such as popular journals and e-books used in the field of plant biology.
Campus and U.S. mail comes to the department once a day in the afternoon, Monday through Friday by 3:00PM. Our mail handling facilities are for professional use; the Department does not pay postage on personal mail. Please do not have personal mail sent to your departmental address.
Office Staff
Our office staff consists of:
Lisa Moncrief (
Administrative Specialist II; Assistant to the Department Head
Facilities Management and Franklin Works Liaison
Chelsea Hargroves (
Admissions Counselor II; Assistant to the Graduate Coordinator and Assistant to the Undergraduate Coordinator
Federal Work Study Liaison
Reagan Scott (
Administrative Associate II
Property Control & Inventory Liaison
For your convenience, mailboxes for the office staff are located in the mail room. The computers in the main office should not be used by students or faculty.
1. All departmental photocopying is done on the copier in the departmental mail room 2502C. You may submit class material for copying by the office staff, or you may do it yourself. If you want the office staff to do the copying, you should check with Reagan at least one week in advance.
2. All copying must be charged to a specific source. The three possible sources are departmental supplies and expenses, personal, or classes. Material to be charged to the department must be related to administration, such as lecture schedules, laboratory exercises, grants, manuscripts, departmental notices, minutes of meetings and similar items.
3. Each faculty member who has a research grant will be provided with an authorization code. Students should use their major professor’s authorization code.
4. Personal copying may be done with a personal authorization code (see Reagan or Chelsea for code), but must be paid for immediately when the bill is placed in your mailbox (6 cents per copy). Copies are billed at the end of each semester. We ask that faculty and teaching assistants not send students in their classes to the office to do copying; the office machines are already too busy.
Sending Packages via FedEx or USPS
If you need to send any packages for your lab, there are two options.
1. Regular and international FedEx labels are available in the PBIO mailroom either on the shelf above the counter or in the drawer labelled FedEx. All FedEx forms have a space for Internal Billing Reference. This MUST be filled in with your lab’s account number if the shipment is being charged to PBIO. Please double check all labels to be sure the correct information is entered and is legible. Bring FedEx shipments to the main office (2502) no later than 1:30PM. FedEx does not pick up packages unless they receive a pick up request. Pick up requests have to be called in by 1:30PM to guarantee same day pick up. If you cannot meet this deadline, you can take your package to a nearby FedEx drop off location.
2. USPS shipping is handled by UGA Mail & Receiving Services. Please have you package ready and addressed to the main office before 2:00pm in order for same day pickup.